Monday, March 26, 2007

One of the most powerful marketing tools there is

I believe that Analyst Relations, done well, is one of the most powerful marketing tools around. A few tips on creating, and sustaining a good AR program:

  • Be consistent. If you begin a relationship with an analyst, sustain it. If you drop the relationship without explanation, you may cause your company's brand harm
  • Choose the right analyst. Spend time on finding the right analyst for your company. Someone who will get excited about what you do --- and pass that excitement on to potential customers, partners, investors...
  • Create a personal connection with the analyst and be sincere about it. Be interested in who they are and what they do.
  • Ask questions..Do not spend all of your time talking at the analyst. Listen to them--they talk to your customer all day long..Learn from them

This is my first post ever. Will be back with more tips soon.

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