Kevin lists other values that AR can bring including:
- Share Value
- Product and Service Creation
- Market Awareness and perception
- Order to Cash
- Service and Support
His recommendations are:
- Clarify which corporate business goals you'll support
- Align all elements of your AR program with the chosen business goals
- Be realistic about what you can really acheive
My take on this is that all of the above is true-- in a different economic environment; however, many companies are in survival mode now, or worse, and are cutting marketing and AR functions and focusing only on sales and the short term. Although this is not a recommended strategy--that is the reality of the situation right now and AR has to pay attention to the shift.
In light of this, I believe that AR must focus on Sales for at least one of their goals--no matter how difficult it is to execute--it can be done. In addition, the other goals mentioned are very difficult to quantify and if you can assist in shortenting the sales process-that will be noticed and is quantifiable. What do you think? I will discuss how AR can affect sales in the next post. Comments welcome.
In his RN, Kevin confuses alignment and measuremment: his premise is that aligning sales with AR won't work because it can't be measured accurately.
While on this point he's largely right (although, with unlimited funds everything can be measured), he's been asking the wrong question all along.
Tks Ludovic for your comment but what is the right question and your take on this?
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