Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Seminar on Industry Analyst Relations in Israel

I am organizing a Seminar on How to Work with Industry Analysts in Israel on April 28th 8:30-12:00 with speakers from both the analyst side and the user side with case studies and tips on how to get the most out of this important Marketing Tool. I invite you to attend. (in hebrew)
Please call me if you have any questions +972-54-4863888

The Future of Analyst Relations and Analyst Groups

Great post on the Future of Analyst Relations by the VP, Analyst Relations for IBM, John Mihalec.
Some of my favorite excerpts:

When asked to describe his job John says: Sometimes I tell people it's like being an attorney in a courtroom with no judge and no rules of evidence, but just a jury….a professional jury that has heard case after case, and they've heard it ALL. And it's our job to bring before that jury whatever facts or logic we can muster to make the case. Because IBM's success in the marketplace depends on it.

His vision of the future of AR:
My vision is that we will help IT analysts to increasingly focus on business issues (not just technology), that we will improve IBM's ability to leverage their output to drive business results, especially in emerging markets, and that we become change agents and allies with them on societal and governmental issues where we have a common view, on behalf of the industry we both serve. And get home by 6 o'clock.

I am really interested to hear from you what your vision is AND if you think that this industry: both the Analyst Industry with the business models of today (subscriber) and AR have a future at all....

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Analyst Relations at a Big Company

Analyst Relations from the perspective of an AR professional at a big company (in this case IBM) --good insights on how to navigate the complicated and challenging process of bringing together not only different messages but different parts of the company-and with a sense of humor.

"Coordinating communications across multiple disciplines, to different constituencies and from different area’s of the company and still seem congruent at the end of the day is also sometimes a feat. When it works, it is a charm, when it doesn’t…you wonder if we all work for the same company. Not only do you have message issues can conflict, you have executive issues…..and conflict."